
Click on the link below to apply and carefully read instructions before filling in information:

2025 TMWF Online Application Form

Scholarship Program Information


Mark West was a 19 year old man who tragically died on ANZAC Day in 1998 whilst playing in a local Geelong football match. He was a very talented footballer who was also passionate about junior football and the opportunities it provided kids. Unfortunately with the current financial climate in Geelong, it has become apparent that children are missing out on these opportunities due to families struggling to afford the costs of playing football.

Mark would have been personally shattered to see this happening, so now The Mark West Foundation aims to raise funds which will be used to provide scholarships to pay for the participation costs of playing Australian Rules football for disadvantaged children. The program provides funds to each successful applicant (up to $250) for aspects such as membership/ registration fees, uniforms, footwear and essential equipment items necessary to participate in playing junior football.

To be eligible

The child, or the family of the child, must receive one or more of the following forms of Government Assistance –

  • Family Tax Benefit Part A with Health Care Card
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Youth Allowance

A copy of a current Health Care/Pension Card with the name of the child applying for the scholarship listed on the card or some other form of evidence showing government assistance is received must be submitted with the application form

The child applying must play, or wish to play for a junior team affiliated with either of the following competitions –

  • Geelong Football League
  • Bellarine Football League
  • Geelong and District Football League
  • Geelong Youth Girls Competition
  • Geelong Junior Girls Competition
  • Geelong Junior Football League
  • Newtown Little League
  • Moorabool Valley Little League
Application Dates

Applications are now open with the closing date being 4pm Sunday 16 February 2025.

Successful applicants only will then be notified between 1 and 2 weeks after the closing date. If any boots, shorts or socks are provided, these will most likely be picked up from Kardinia Park on the evening of Friday 7 March (Labour Day Weekend). Full details will be provided via email once scholarships are confirmed. Please ensure you check your emails regularly to ensure you are aware of when these items need to be picked up.


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  • A maximum of $250 is available per successful application
  • No application will be given for retrospective expenses (expenses already paid)
  • Funding will be paid via an invoice system between the sporting club, sporting supply store (if applicable) and The Mark West Foundation. Funding will not be provided directly to applicants.
  • Applications must be for individuals only, please fill out a separate application form if you wish to apply for more than 1 child
  • Successful applicants agree to provide feedback on their playing experiences (if requested)
  • Submitting an application does not guarantee funding
  • Funding is for the 2023 winter football season only
Other Sports

Unfortunately the Foundation is not in a position to provide support for other sports however we have partnered with another fantastic Geelong NFP organization that may be able to help. Leisure Networks has a Sports Access program that is very similar to the Scholarship Program. So if any families require support for sports other than AFL, please contact Leisure Networks on 5222 3911.